


This bouclé fabric marries the softness and intense colour of merino wool to the lustre of contrasting yarns. Created by weaving with a combination of tight and loose yarns that leave little loops and circlets on the surface of the textile, the irregularities in surface texture and colour result in a very sophisticated fabric that is none the less suitable for general upholstery.


Flotex Bacteria


Flotex Flocked Flooring is a textile flooring that combines the hard wearing and durable characteristics of a resilient floor with the quality, warmth and comfort of a carpet.


Ready Made Curtain


Ready Made Curtain is an easy to install kit that contains a curtain panel, suspension mechanism with tensioner, polyester cord and set of clip-on pegs.


Baux Acoustic Panels


Baux Acoustic Panels is an environment-friendly, recyclable material made from wood wool, cement and water. The natural components together provide many functional characteristics.


BS Classic


Solid-coloured rubber flooring with classical round pastille. BS Classic is the modern day evolution of Pirelli's original studded flooring that was first used on Milan's underground in 1965 and remains intact to this day.





Pico is a series of porcelain tiles available in both glazed and unglazed surfaces, designed by Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec for Italian tile manufacturer, Mutina.